Tuesday, January 24, 2012


DAY 1.

Well, the garbage disposal was fixed long enough for me to make our "dinner" last night.  So, our dinner consisted of:
1 yam
1 carrot
2 tomatoes
1 bunch spinach
2 pears
1/2 a beet...

What in the world possessed me to put that beet in there (or even buy the beets to begin with)...I have no idea.  I KNEW better!  I knew that beets taste like dirt, so I don't know what took over my brain for those moments that led to my "beet amnesia" but it totally ruined any chance of my veggie dinner being palatable.  Here's what it looked like:
 Pretty colors...fun, vibrant, excited about what I eat being healthy and colorful...as it should be...

Looks are deceiving.  Here's me not really being excited, but grossed out rather, by the dirt -in deceitful pretty juice form- that I'm about to choke down.

It was terrible.  However, nose plugged and apple juice chaser in the left hand I managed to choke down half of it.  Well, I certainly learned my lesson.  Last night was a rough start to this 10 day fast, but now I figure if I can get down just about anything - as long as it doesn't have a beet in it.  The bag of beets is now at the top of my trash can.  Good riddance!

Last night was pretty difficult, more mentally than anything.  You really take notice of how much food is on your mind when you can't eat it.  A pretty big eye-opener was that every thought of food that I had, was fried, covered in grease, or full of sugar.  Taco Bell was calling our names last night after we'd had our "dinner."  Scott and I used to make late-night Taco Bell runs when we were in college (undergrad and grad school)...it's kind of been our thing since we started dating. *lol*  Mmmmm..Taco Bell.  The fact that it's 9am and I am "mmmmming" at the thought of Taco Bell...yikes.  Wake-up call!  No wonder people think I'm pregnant.  Now, honestly, I'm really not THAT unhealthy of an eater.  I drink cokes (but not excessively, usually no more than one a day recently), I do love chocolate...usually in cake, brownie, or ice cream form - but it's not like I stuff my face with these things.  I probably have a bigger serving than I should when I do have them.  Here's my problem(s) - I don't eat enough fruits, veggies, & whole grains and I don't exercise enough.  Isn't that about 75% of America's problem?  Ugh.  I loved living in Poland because I was healthy.  Walked a million miles a day (more like 5 or so), drank lots of water & fewer cokes, and just ate healthier.  Well, one thing was that we ate our bigger meal at lunchtime and a smaller something at dinnertime.  Anyway, I miss that lifestyle...I miss that body.  I am hoping this fast will increase my awareness of how much I need these healthier foods and smaller portions of everything else.  Though I do think it's ok to indulge in the things that we love, but in moderation.  Like any good gift that God gives, if we take advantage of it, let it become our idol, it can ruin us.  If I let the food that I eat or the immediate self-gratification I get from eating it take over, it will undoubtedly lead to a life dependent on pills, laziness, and shorter life which will deprive my family of time with me.  I want to be around as long and be as active as I can for my children, husband, family...I know I can't determine my life span, but I can take care of the body that God has given to me and do my part to keep myself around longer.

Anyway, guess I should go do something productive.  Maybe work out a bit.  Just finished a much more delectable berry medley breakfast (good for clear skin & antioxidants).  Chewing a bit more than drinking...b/c I blended it and berries are full of seeds...so thick & full of texture, but tasty and WAY more tolerable than the dreaded beet juice.  Never again.

1 comment:

Jessica said...

I have started Juicing as well! Some of my fav drinks are "green lemonade"- green apple, romaine, lemon; make juice not war (Google that for a youtube video!); and Carrot with ginger and lemon.