Thursday, January 26, 2012

Day 3 - Yams & Pineapple, hooray!

It's Day 3 of my 10 day juice fast.  I'm still feelin' pretty okay aside from the occasional fast food/snacky craving.  I had to go to Kroger's for work that was kind of annoying, but as I walked out the door with my bags in hand I was hit square in the nostrils with the sinful aroma of Five Guys right next door.  THEN, I get back to work and hop out of the car only to be greeted by the most amazing pizza smell.  Ugh.  :(  I would love a giant slice of pizza...mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm............................

Okay, refocus.  So breakfast this morning was yummy. Two oranges, 1 apple, 1 lime, and a handful of red & white grapes.  I have to confess, at work today I had some fruit - however, it was completely etiquette based!  The lady I work for couldn't stand to have me sit there and watch her eat her soup and fruit, so I told her it would be okay if I had a little fruit with her.  I didn't consider this cheating...I only had fresh fruit...just not in juice form.  I have resisted every other temptation so I'm pretty proud (and surprised by) of myself so far.

I decided to be a little adventurous for lunch.  Two tomatoes, 1/2 a jalapeño, a handful of spinach, some garlic salt, and a few drops of Tobasco.  Okay for the first few drinks, but it got old after a while and desperately needed something to cover up the taste afterwards.

 So, in order to cover up the tomato/garlic-y taste I took a leftover glass of the berry blend I made for breakfast yesterday morning, threw it in a saucepan and heated it up.  It made for quite a nice change.  It was just good to eat/drink something hot.  A hot berry soup...not bad, just too tart to finish it all.  It did the trick though...I think it could have been much better if it had had some pineapple or apple in it to cut some of the tartness.

As I ate my warm berry soup, this little guy was happy as a clam sitting on the floor playing, talking to himself, and bouncing up and down to the music in the background.  Was hoping to catch a glimpse of his two little teeth in the pic, but he was too quick.  :)  

I wasn't too excited about dinner to be honest.  The juicing is kind of a task, but figuring out what to juice...hoping to get the right flavor combo so my dinner won't suck...that's kind of tough.  I wasn't feeling very excited about having more juiced veggies either, but I've been seeing this recipe online and it intrigued me, so Scott juiced it up for me.  :)

4 oranges
1 pineapple
1 yam

DELICIOUS! (As far as juiced fruits & veggies go)  It was a much needed break after like 3 green drinks that I've had the past couple of days.  The pineapple and yam make a pretty palatable flavor combo and the yam give the juice a nice thick but not too thick consistency, PLUS I noticed it was virtually pulp free which was, I just need to figure out a way to get rid of that stupid froth that accumulates on top...I guess I could spoon it off...but I'd feel like I was throwing away the healthy part...because the juice itself isn't....healthy....enough????  Yep.  I think I just won that argument with myself.

It's about 8:30pm now and I would still kill for a Five Guys little cheeseburger, Taco Bell soft taco with no lettuce and mild sauce, or even the stupid Cheez-its that are still haunting me from the pantry.  I'm hungry for food that is greasy and tastes good.  I am I'm sitting here typing this my stomach is growling, but I don't want to drink anything else today.  I want those freakin' Cheez-its.  *lol*  Oh well.  Tomorrow is Day 4 and I am anticipating a little discomfort...mentally and physically...I feel like I'm kind of sitting here waiting for the detox to kick in and wreak its havoc.  We'll see...for now I'm going to attempt to distract myself with either some Hulu or Netflix.

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