Friday, January 27, 2012

Day 4

It's the end of day 4.  It's 8:40pm and the day has been pretty good overall.  My throat is hurting pretty bad today...I read on another blog that a sore throat is one of the symptoms of detox.  My energy was pretty good today though.  I'm staying kind of hungry, after a chat w/ my brother we figured that I'm probably not juicing enough.  Tomorrow I'll juice more, but I'm getting pretty tired of the frothiness of the juice and the taste of veggies in juice form *blech*.  BUT, I feel good about sticking to it and about actually consuming said veggie juice, I consider that quite an accomplishment.  I would kill for a coke right about now...and a brownie with vanilla ice cream...or a Chik-fil-A sandwich....................

I always daydream about food when I'm typing.  Anyway, here's what the day looked like:
 For breakfast, Scott made us a yummy smoothie with bananas, strawberries, and a little apple juice to thin it out. Yum!  What an amazing husband I have...he drinks breakfast and dinner with me.  :)  We went to a student gathering at KWC tonight where they always provide dinner and dessert, he even passed on an AMAZING smelling meal with me!  :)  A good guy.

Lunch was not so amazing.  An apple, carrots, spinach, and cucumber.  If you don't like cucumbers to begin with, don't juice with them!  See all that bright green froth on top of my juice - pulpy, cucumber flavored froth. SO GROSS.  I tried a few gulps then had to spoon it off the top.  I'm getting to where I can't really stomach my drinks with veggies in them...they get to me quickly.

 SO, although I wasn't a fan of the cucumber-y, spinach-y lunch...guess who was!

Bryan LOVED it!  So funny!  I put a little bit of the froth on the tip of my finger for him to taste and he immediately started reaching, mouth wide open.  Adorable.  What a great role model for his Mommy.  He motivated me to drink a bit more of it. (What you don't see is my apple-juice chaser on the coffee's my go-to chaser of choice.  haha)

Well, I'm tired...and hungry...tomorrow is halfway!  WOOHOO!  :)

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