Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Christmas 2011

Life has changed dramatically since November 2010, as you can clearly see.  I'm sure this is not what I had envisioned life being like as the big 3-0 is quickly creeping up on me...not so much in a bad way, but different, sometimes stressful, and sometimes frustrating.

Pure JOY entered our world and our lives on July 7, 2011 at 5:04 in the morning in the form of a 9 lb, 21 inch bouncing baby boy (literally, the kid LOVED - and still loves to bounce).  He is perfect...and a perfect testament to how much we are loved by our Father - for Him to give us this precious, undeserved gift that is our Bryan.  He makes us cry with joy, makes us smile, makes us laugh, and makes us proud.  Only occasionally does he make us nervous. :)  When we got married, we wondered how much our lives would change - it really didn't...we just got to spend a lot more time together and learned how to live with one another.  Parenthood is a game changer.  Our lives FEEL different now, older - not so much the wiser - but a little more seasoned.  Having another life depend on you 100% puts your priorities in check, forces you to grow up - real fast, makes you a lot less selfish, and drains your bank account - real fast.  However, all of these small things seem so minuscule in comparison to the amount of joy I receive when my little babe smiles his "mouth wide open" smile and squeals in delight at whatever silly dance me or Scott choose to entertain him with.  My heart melts when he reaches for my face or burrows himself deep into my chest until he falls asleep.  What an amazing, indescribable love.  How deep the Father's love for me.

So, this little bundle of joy is currently almost 6 months old, sitting up and playing on his own, trying his darndest to crawl, dancing (or bouncing) to music, eating solid foods, sipping from a cup, and developing LOADS of personality by the minute.  He's a stocky 22 lb quarterback now too, broad shoulders, strong legs, marshmallow arms.  (Just don't tell his grandmother's - they've vowed "no football!")  He goes to the Dr. for his 6 month on the 17th - and will soon get another Echocardiogram on his heart to see if the "echo/shadow" has closed up or if it will need closer attention.  We're confident this little guy is just fine though. :)

Moving away from Wheaton may have been the most difficult thing we've ever (or I've ever - I'll speak for myself) had to do.  Not that I don't love home, being close to relatives and good friends...but Wheaton was a life-changing experience for me, for Scott, and for our marriage.  The Lord was VERY intentional about sending us to Wheaton, so it was scary to move away from that solid support system that knew ALL of the ins and outs/good and bad in our lives.  However, God called Scott back here, to 'the Boro, and well...here we are - trying to remain faithful and do what we feel is best.  It's been a big adjustment, but our saving grace has been our family and friends here.  If it wasn't for them, I'd high-tail it back to Wheaton in a heartbeat.  A lot of my bitterness is strictly with the State of KY.  I currently hate it...LOATHE it...more specifically the KY Board of LPCCs...you have ALL heard about this GIANT, frustrating pain in my rear...so I'll spare you...mostly because it just pisses me off to think about it when I don't absolutely have to.

In other news: Moving in has gone quite well, things are starting to come together at Casa de Newman.  It's slowly beginning to feel home-ish.  It's in a SUPER convenient spot so praise God for that!

A mommy update: Post-pregnancy SUCKS.  My body has aged about 10 years and with 30 coming quickly, I can't afford that!  I am kicking my butt into gear.  I am 6 months post pregnancy and STILL in maternity clothes because I REFUSE to buy the size that I am scared I would fit into currently.  The next person to assume that I am pregnant or ask how far along I am gets a swift kick in their teeth.  NEVER....NEVER NEVER NEVER NEVER, ASSUME that someone is pregnant and comment on it.  We all know what ASSUMING does.  I have started a crunch regimen in the morning (about 4 days strong now) to get my abs back to where they should be...currently they're still in Poland, and we know how long it takes things to travel overseas.  ;)  My goal is to drop at least 30 (preferably 40lbs) by April 3rd.  Today is officially Day 1.  According to my Wii, I am teetering dangerously close to the top of the "overweight" line.  My body feels terrible, not sure if it's due to my weight or due to the fact that I'm pretty sure I'm inheriting my Mom's Fibromyalsia - UGH.  Another reason for desperately needing to become more active.  SO, here's somewhat of a plan:

At least 30 min of cardio every day
My morning crunch routine
Drinking at least 2 14oz glasses of water a day (baby steps here)
Cutting back my coke intake significantly (maybe 3 or 4 a week...currently, it's daily)
Eating more veggies and less sugar
Blogging about my progress
Unofficially joining Weight Watchers w/ my sibs
Keeping up with my "SparkPeople" account

One of my first steps is to watch the documentary "Fat, Sick, and Almost Dead" (read about it on Pintrest by a girl who did a 60 day veggie/fruit juice cleanse) YIKES, probably won't go that far...but maybe it'll give me some motivation.

Also going to try and start taking more pictures, doing more creative things, enjoying my family (immediate/extended/& in-laws) more, praying more, and playing with the babe as much as possible.

Szczesliwego Nowego Roku everyone!  

1 comment:

Brandon Newman said...

Good stuff. Keep it coming.