Monday, January 7, 2008


In class, one of our students approached us...this one to be exact:

This is Maggie - adorable gal isn't she. :) She is one of the students who is a part of our "Student Prayer Ministry." Her sponsor's name is Lindsay. Lindsay & Maggie have been emailing back and forth and sharing pictures with one another. Maggie came up to me today and went on and on about how wonderful she thought the idea was. She was so thankful for Lindsay and the chance to get to know her. She told me about how she received pictures from Lindsay of Lindsay & her family. Maggie even went on and on about how adorable Lindsay's little boy is. (Which we know ;) )

I don't expect every relationship to "take off" this well...but it was just so encouraging that this ministry IS making a difference in the lives of some students. So, for those of you who are participating - I hope you have the same kinds of responses and if not...keep praying. I hope this has been an encouragement for you!

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