Saturday, January 26, 2008

This is what it's about...

Today we had some very good friends over. This is a couple we have become especially close to these past two years. Scott met Boguś when he came over for a one week mission trip in March. When we arrived last year we connected with them and started inviting to English Clubs, Nooma Meetings, Cafes and eventually got to the point where they felt comfortable enough around us to just hang out two-on-two. This is the second time they have come to our house for dinner. Boguś & Dorothy are very very busy, very smart students. Both attend church regularly and enjoy talking about spiritual things. The first time they came over for dinner I cooked a nice Cajun meal (jambalaya) for them and they really enjoyed it. This time, I cooked a good down home southern meal. BBQ Chicken with corn, fried potatoes, & corn bread. Then bought out the hot brownies & ice cream for dessert. :) We had a LOVELY time! This couple is very precious to us. Their relationship is one that is very rare here...they are not living together. They've been dating over 4 years and both still live with their families. That is incredibly rare. Tonight at dinner we had a chance to just talk and enjoy time with them. Boguś is leaving to study in Denmark this week. He'll be there until July so this is one of the last times we may ever get to see him. Dorothy is staying behind and we assured her that we would take care of her while Boguś is gone. We had a chance to share about our marriage and show them one of our Nooma videos on love, relationships... depicted in the way they were meant to be. They loved it and we believe it provided encouragment for them. We talked about the church and they mentioned that sometimes it could be boring. We were able to give them the name of a wonderful Catholic fellowship for students that is doing great things here. Hopefully they'll visit sometime. Before they left Scott asked a very personal question, if he could pray for Boguś before he left. He willingly accepted as Scott put a hand on his shoulder and thanked the Lord for our friendship, for their relationship, and for safe travels and all the blessings the Lord had given to them and us. It was a big step...but they were blessed by it, as were we by their company.

A common question that always comes up when we're in the States talking about our mission work here is "How many souls have been saved?" "How many people you led to Christ?" This is not why we're here. Of course it's our hope that all people will come to know the Lord, but if it's through our work, if it's through the testimony of someone else, if it happens and we have absolutely nothing to do with it....that's not the point. When Jesus was here he LOVED people, he CARED for people, he LISTENED to people. He did not keep a tally of how many followers he gathered up like fish in a net. Being a missionary isn't about numbers, it isn't about converting the world to your denomination, it's about loving people and BEING the Gospel, representing the love that Christ has for all of a tangible way. Loving these students and letting them know how valuable they are, how much we care for them, but most importantly how much Jesus loves them and desires their hearts. That's what matters. THIS is what it's about.

1 comment:

Godsgal said...

This picture has brought tears- I have set it as my background pic on my laptop- you are ALL in my prayers.... SOOO PRECIOUS- to see God binding hearts- Thank you for being God's Love-His fingerprints to Poland and especially to Boguś & Dorothy