This is a look into the journey of what the Lord is doing in our lives and the lives of those we care about the most. We're not perfect, life is hard, but we love this life that we've been given.
Today we had some very good friends over. This is a couple we have become especially close to these past two years. Scott met Boguś when he came over for a one week mission trip in March. When we arrived last year we connected with them and started inviting to English Clubs, Nooma Meetings, Cafes and eventually got to the point where they felt comfortable enough around us to just hang out two-on-two. This is the second time they have come to our house for dinner. Boguś & Dorothy are very very busy, very smart students. Both attend church regularly and enjoy talking about spiritual things. The first time they came over for dinner I cooked a nice Cajun meal (jambalaya) for them and they really enjoyed it. This time, I cooked a good down home southern meal. BBQ Chicken with corn, fried potatoes, & corn bread. Then bought out the hot brownies & ice cream for dessert. :) We had a LOVELY time! This couple is very precious to us. Their relationship is one that is very rare here...they are not living together. They've been dating over 4 years and both still live with their families. That is incredibly rare. Tonight at dinner we had a chance to just talk and enjoy time with them. Boguś is leaving to study in Denmark this week. He'll be there until July so this is one of the last times we may ever get to see him. Dorothy is staying behind and we assured her that we would take care of her while Boguś is gone. We had a chance to share about our marriage and show them one of our Nooma videos on love, relationships... depicted in the way they were meant to be. They loved it and we believe it provided encouragment for them. We talked about the church and they mentioned that sometimes it could be boring. We were able to give them the name of a wonderful Catholic fellowship for students that is doing great things here. Hopefully they'll visit sometime. Before they left Scott asked a very personal question, if he could pray for Boguś before he left. He willingly accepted as Scott put a hand on his shoulder and thanked the Lord for our friendship, for their relationship, and for safe travels and all the blessings the Lord had given to them and us. It was a big step...but they were blessed by it, as were we by their company.
A common question that always comes up when we're in the States talking about our mission work here is "How many souls have been saved?" "How many people you led to Christ?" This is not why we're here. Of course it's our hope that all people will come to know the Lord, but if it's through our work, if it's through the testimony of someone else, if it happens and we have absolutely nothing to do with it....that's not the point. When Jesus was here he LOVED people, he CARED for people, he LISTENED to people. He did not keep a tally of how many followers he gathered up like fish in a net. Being a missionary isn't about numbers, it isn't about converting the world to your denomination, it's about loving people and BEING the Gospel, representing the love that Christ has for all of a tangible way. Loving these students and letting them know how valuable they are, how much we care for them, but most importantly how much Jesus loves them and desires their hearts. That's what matters. THIS is what it's about.
So...hhhmmm not sure where to start? There has just been lots & lots going on recently. Let's start with something nice & simple! So...I got a hair cut! About a week or so ago Scott and I had a "date" day...very nice! We started out with a hair cut that took a LOT longer than expected! Apparently I have VERY VERY thick hair. So my hair has gone from this:To this: I kinda miss hair's never been that long before. :( Oh after a haircut we went out to dinner at a fabulous Italian restaurant near us...AMAZING food! After dinner we went to our friend Konrad's Karniwal (or Carnival) ball at our church. Here is a clip of buddy Konrad dancing with his dance crew. Konrad's the kid with long curly hair wearing the mask. :)
So, we only stayed at the ball for about an hour then we had a show to see! Our beloved British friend, Bev provided us with our "date day." She scored us some fantastic seats at a musical here and provided us with the funds for food that day! :) The show we went to see was called "Swing" The Duke Ellington Show. Minus a little unexpected culture shock, it was a spectacular show! Here's the add for it...just because I thought it would be neat for you to hear what a typical Polish advertisement sounds like. :) And the goofy guy with the trumpet...that guy is definitely in the show. that was a fun day! What next?....Hhhmmm...I do have a video clip from youth the other night. :) Scott had the kids doing some kind of goofy game where they had to work together..."Being the body of Christ" kinda game. Here are our kiddos. :) is where much of my time & prayer has gone recently...
To my Pops...he's just had a rough year, but a stubborn Stanley he is and he just kept on truckin'...all over Europe as a matter of fact! He just had his back surgery on Friday and everything went smooth as for the giant epidural they stuck him with. ;) We told him if we'd known they were going to do that, we'd prayed for that too. He's a trooper! At home recovering now. The surgeon said it was a miracle that he was walkin' with the shape that his back was in! Duh. We already knew that, didn't we? ;) The surgeon sent him home after surgery without rehab and without a back brace! Praise the Lord! It just kills me how people can witness these kinds of miracles and still not believe...kills me. Anyway, thanks to all you faithful folk who keep on prayin' for us. We love ya! :) (And the picture, my Dad is "reading" a newspaper in Czech.
On to the next event...Ladies' Potluck! YEAH!! Last week, I had invited all the ladies from the church over to my place for a Ladies' Potluck. Lauren & I did this in the hopes that we could just get to know some of the women in the church better. So, this past Saturday, I had 10 here in my little flat which was a splendid number...just right. They all brought TONS o' grub...mostly sweets. We ate Pickle soup (my favorite! REALLY!), lots of sweets, and played a games...these women go nuts over door prizes! ;) So, this is not all of them...but I wanted to tell you who these gals are because I adore them all and we all attend church together. This first pick is Ewa (a Polish gal in our church), Jennifer - Missionary from Lexington, and Victoria - Ukrainian teaching English at a Christian language school at First Baptist Church.
This next pic is of Becky & Gosia. Gosia is the mom of one of youth - Michal (they're the ones who make us Pierogi when we go to their flat!) Becky is British and she's also working as an English teacher in the Christian school at First Baptist Church. I LOVE this gal! She is adorable and she has the loveliest British accent! And she's funny! :)
Next, Gosia (again) with Bev. I just cannot explain to you how much I love British people. I ADORE them! They crack me up. Everything they say is either hysterically funny or it just sounds SO....proper! My precious Bev...I just love her.
I know this isn't the greatest quality picture...but I love these two Polish ladies as well. Ewa L. (the mother of our youth-Dawid) and Bogusia in the back (mother of our other youth-Mariusz). All of these women feel like family to us. :)
And lastly, here's me & my gal Lauren. I am so glad that she's here. :)
So, that was our Ladies' Potluck. The women had so much fun they want to keep doing it! Gosia even asked if we could do it again the next Saturday! We decided this should at least be a monthly thing! Next time, Bev's going to lead it (here at our place) but she's going to make it a Curry Fest! This chick loves Indian food. I'm pretty excited. :)
So, what's on the schedule now? Well, Andy came over today and helped us put together care packages for our students. We'll be giving them out in class tomorrow before their exam. Then, on Wednesday we'll be setting up our "Free Tea/Coffee/HC" stand which will be a big hit. I'm terribly excited! Please pray that I have the courage to actually share my faith with students when they say "Why are you all doing this?!?!" ;) It's bound to happen. I want to be spiritually & mentally ready to be bold. :)
I normally don't promote TBN...I would hardly EVER suggest for someone to watch it because I have some pretty strong opinions about it. I would never in a million years suggest a non Christian to watch it. I think most of it is a scam and has nothing about people's true relationship with the Lord...just one HUGE infomercial trying to sell Jesus to people like one might sell a vaccum cleaner. So, please disregard the fact that the following has a "TBN" label on the screen ;) I'm chosing not to judge Shane & Shane by their actions. ;) Anyway...I'm entering a new season with the Lord...maybe I'll share about it later but right now...just a tune for you! :)
Please pray for my Dad!! He's having surgery tomorrow on his back at 8am in Evansville. :) Thanks! :)
In class, one of our students approached us...this one to be exact: This is Maggie - adorable gal isn't she. :) She is one of the students who is a part of our "Student Prayer Ministry." Her sponsor's name is Lindsay. Lindsay & Maggie have been emailing back and forth and sharing pictures with one another. Maggie came up to me today and went on and on about how wonderful she thought the idea was. She was so thankful for Lindsay and the chance to get to know her. She told me about how she received pictures from Lindsay of Lindsay & her family. Maggie even went on and on about how adorable Lindsay's little boy is. (Which we know ;) )
I don't expect every relationship to "take off" this well...but it was just so encouraging that this ministry IS making a difference in the lives of some students. So, for those of you who are participating - I hope you have the same kinds of responses and if not...keep praying. I hope this has been an encouragement for you!
So, didn't make it to Jola's funeral...just couldn't do it. I really did want to go to show support and all, but we found out at the last minute when it was and as I started to get ready I just couldn't. Just sat on my bathroom floor and cried for an hour. It happens. BUT, through that Lord did give me this little...whatever it may be ;)
Son of David God breathed and you were alive Your body was broken by the fall of mankind Never a complaint, never a cry Your faith could defeat a thousand Philistines Just as David wrote his Psalms of praise You sought after God's heart, all of your days Though silence eventually had its way Your smile said a thousand words the tongue couldn't say Now you rejoice in heavenly bliss But surely you know how much you are missed
For some reason I can't post videos from You Tube and type on the same post. Any other bloggers know why? Anyway...that "We Met at Starbucks" clip is from one of my favorite movies...Best in Show. :)
That's what we're doing today. Which is okay by me! :) I took several hours yesterday to give our kitchen some deep cleaning & reorganization. It's pretty impressive now. :) Today my goal is the bedroom/living room. Slept in a bit...watched some fun online clips off my brother's blog...thanks Shea!! :) You've provided entertainment for the morning! :) We highly recommend the Ukulele Orchestra of Great Britain.
Sometimes it's a hard thing to consider. But, as James tells us "Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds..." (James 1:2) Easy to read, tough to do. Fortunately this is something that I believe I have come to know and practice...though sometimes the devil gets the better of humanistic nature wants to say "poor pitiful me" but normally it's overpowered solely by the work of the Holy Spirit that I can "consider it joy." That's something many many people, unfortunately just don't understand or haven't figured out how to achieve it yet. A church member passed away last night. We weren't really close her...her name is Jola, a precious woman who loves the Lord. Jola's been struggling with severe cancer for as long as we've known her (not exactly sure what kind). She's always been a faithful church member though. Last year we had prayer meetings for another church member, Adam-when he was severely ill in the hospital. Scott and I were at the meetings-Jola was there every week as well, faithfully praying for Adam. She was even at church this last Sunday. I remember exchanging smiles with her before walking up the stairs into the balcony that day. She hadn't been in a few weeks and we kept praying for her. Every now and then she'd come and give a report about how she was doing. She was always so optimistic even on Sunday...but in a different way. She stood infront of the church, thanking us for our prayers and just started reassuring the church that she was okay. She even said, "I know death is coming. I can feel it. It's's normal." I remember those words (as they were translated) because they struck me. She said it with such confidence. This lady knew who she was, she loved the Lord, and it was so obvious that He had given her the strength to stand infront of a church who constantly worried about her...and she reassured us that this was just "normal" and things were going to be okay. I think she knew it was her last Sunday and she'd come to say goodbye. What a precious woman. What a heavenly reward she is receiving now. Consider it joy.
Obviously the situation reminds me of my brother. Not that I ever enjoy these reinactments in my mind. Nonetheless, I saw the same exact strength and confidence in his eyes, the night he left us. He just knew and he was okay. He wanted us to know that too...and he so desperately wanted those he loves (and still does I'm sure) to know the joy that he had and is now experiencing to the fullest. There is no doubt in my mind. My sadness comes from the terrible pain of missing him-an absence of something once tangible, which is normal. Sadness is temporary and comes and goes. My joy comes from the relationship I know that he has with the Lord and the indescribable bond that came with that common aspect of our lives. That is the sole reason I can consider it joy...and I do. It's truly a miracle and a work of the Holy Spirit that I can sit here and type this, talk with my students or friends about him-without breaking down and even type with joy in my heart and a smile on my face. I understand that it's not that easy for everyone...nor would I expect it to be. I consider it a gift and a testament to the love and faithfulness of Jesus Christ and His unfailing mercy and grace. His desire to comfort His children who are hurting. To me, it truly is a miracle. I pray with all my heart, every day, that one day it will be that way for others.
So...all of this to say a couple of things. One is that I was not wanting nor prepared to attend another funeral for a long long time...but I will and I'll get through it. For those of you iTunes savvy folks, or for those of you who maybe do not attend a church anywhere for whatever reason (which again...I have pretty strong feelings about), Scott and I have started downloading messages from an AMAZING AMAZING AMAZING speaker/and the church he is the pastor of. Rob Bell from Mars Hill Bible Church. Holy Cow... I don't care who you are...go here and listen to all of these... the one I'm specifically referring to though is the sermon from 12.09.2007. AMAZING! We download these messages each week and they are absolutely phenomenal...not like any other sermon you will ever listen to. You know who you are...listen, please. I'm so impressed and blown away by this church and its pastor Rob Bell. We're actually using Rob Bell's Nooma Videos in our weekly meetings for our college students. He also has a couple o' great books out there...the first being "Velvet Elvis" go to Amazon & buy it.
Anyway...enough of a rant. Just go there and do it.
Consider it joy. Ask God for joy. Be blessed this week.
P.S...Student prayer ministry is going SSSSOOOOOO WELL!!! I'm stoked about it! Thanks for participating!