Friday, August 7, 2009

New Apartment Pics!!

SO our apartment is FINALLY getting there! We've spent the past couple weeks trying to make it look like a home and I think we passed the test last night when we invited a student over for dinner and she said, "WOW! You guys have made it look so homey in here!" :) It does feel much more like a "home" now. There's still a couple things I'd like to get on the wall, but we're getting there. :) So, here's another quick tour of our place... our new living room complete with curtains, new slip covers, a new rug, and a cool new Target sofabed...

Scott putting up our a new addition - a hibiscus plant

Here is our updated shower curtain, and a new wall shelf...

Our bedroom...really hasn't changed much...I'm thinking I'd love something on the wall across from our bed...which you can't see in this picture.

And the room that's made probably the most progress...our guest curtains, a cleaned-up bookshelf, a new comforter, and some new pillows.

This was my first try at pillowcase/pillow making. The bigger one is just a pillow case over a little travel pillow and the little long one is my own pattern I far as shape goes. Plus it was my first actual pillow that I've made. :) YAY!


Kellie said...

It looks so good!!! And you did a GREAT job on the pillows! They are soooo cute!

jfn Photography said...

Thanks! :) I had fun making them. :) Can't wait until you can come up and see it...AND U2!!!!
You and Shea come up with a plan of at least one thing you don't want to leave without doing that weekend. :)

Jason said...

Wow! You have really turned a dorm room into a home! I saw the "after" pictures before the "before" ones, and I would never have known it WAS a dorm room. You guys are awesome! Pretty soon you'll have to hire some bouncers to kick people out when you want to go to sleep. : D