Saturday, May 10, 2008

I know...I know...

I feel terrible! I can't believe it's been almost a MONTH since my last post. I apologize. :( Things here are great though...we can't believe that our summer team will be here in TWO weeks, holy cow. In no time it'll be time for us to pack up and head home!

Things with the youth group are going good, they have the money for tickets and they all have their visas so they'll be coming to visit in July. YAY! :)

I just wanted to say that I'm sorry (to you loyal readers) for the lack of postage (haha), I really want to write a new entry soon. The Lord's doing some neat stuff and I'd just like to share, but for tonight...we still have to balance our budget and I need to work out a meal plan for the week...and we're pretty exhausted I'll leave you with some awesomeness.

My sister sent me this in an email and I couldn't resist but to share the wealth! :)

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