Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Videos, Nice Weather, & Random Spiritual Thoughts

Sorry to rub it in your faces *those of you who 'round our part of KY* but the weather here the past three days has been GORGEOUS! Sunday it was in the 60s, sunny, and beautiful! We couldn't help but get out and enjoy it! Even the mariachi's were out in the rynek...

Last weekend we also made it to Pizza Hut..

And managed to get out, go to the park, and scout out some of the natives...

These dwarfs are everywhere around our city. Has something to do with communism actually. The one on the plate is fun...he's actually outside of the Pizza Hut...fitting because that's exactly how I feel every time I leave there. That one and the one with the flower are new additions to the city. We've had lots of new ones popping up here and there recently.

I love this city.

So...Friday's the day! We start up a new minstry, "The Well." We're so excited about it. We've had a great response from students so far. They seem to be really interested in the whole idea. We just sent out our February newsletter via snail mail...so all of you who's mailing address we have, you should be getting it within a couple days. If you'd like one and we don't have your mailing address, we can send it to you via email...just let me know if you'd like one! :) Anyway, it has some info on "The Well" in it. We really can feel how the Lord is already blessing it. He amazes me...the Lord. He just amazes me.

I spent hours sending out personal emails to students inviting them to and explaining the purpose of "The Well" and I've been blown away by how so many students are interested and how many of them are seeking.

Scott, Andy, and I watched a documentary on Mormons the other night...there are several of them here in the city on their 2 year mission. It was interesting, but heartbreaking at the same time. It's like every time I go into the city center I'm hoping to see some so we can invite them over to talk. Sometimes I just want to shake them and say..."Wake up! It's not supposed to be like that." Anyway...my experience & opinion on that is another blog, another time.

I'm so tired of hearing about "the laws." The things we're supposed to do and not supposed to do, which Presidential candidates we should be/shouldn't be supporting because we're "Christians", tired of hearing all of the things that are wrong with the church, why so many people are leaving it or not going at all. Once more...I'm not keeping a "tally" of how many people I "save" because I'm not doing anything. Praise the Lord for that. It's solely through the grace and power of God that I am occasionally able to put together a coherent sentence of who I am and why I'm here.

But I do know one thing that I wish more people understood. It is, has been, and will continue to be solely about Jesus. I think that's where the problems lie. Seems like people have forgotten that...I forget it often. Being a "Christian" has become and adjective when it should be a verb. The Christian religion has become about obeying laws, living up to a stereotype, listening to the right music, voting for the right people, telling everyone else what's wrong with this church, what's wrong with that church. It's simple really...but seems as though we've mucked it up with our selfishness and our desire for power...even us "Christians." It's about Jesus folks. And should only be about Him. If we love like He loved, cared about what He cares about, attempt to live like He lived...

His love does not bind us to the law it sets us free from it...so why do we do it to ourselves?

1 comment:

forfeittheworld said...

preach the truth my sister. WoW. i can feel the Holy Spirit doing a little foot shuffle with his fists pumping in the air as I read this. ha. you guys are growing so much. i can't wait to be showered with your wisdom and life experiences when you get back to the states. i want more of this on here. woo hoo!