Sunday, February 17, 2008


I know...I've been a slacker. To tell you the truth, not a whole lot has been going on recently. The majority of our students are back in their hometowns because it's winter break, so we have a lot of down time. BUT, we have been able to just spend some time with friends, which has been great.

We missed church this morning...first time in a long time, actually. I have a mixture of the stomach bug and sniffles. It's just been nice to stay home and rest today. I feel a bit better, but my sneezing & runny nose is getting worse. But, I did manage to complete a towel today! My sister, Kellie, has gotten me into the habit of embroidery. Lots of fun and a nice stress reliever! :)

I just got a package in the mail from her with a new apron (that she made) and some fun new dolls she's starting to make! They're filled with lavendar so they smell WONDERFUL, not to mention they're adorable!
While siblings are on my brain, ya'll pray for my brother Shea...he's come down with the black plague. He may resort to leeches if it doesn't go away soon. ;)


Lindsay Carter said...

Hey girl! I hope you get to feeling better. I have the same thing. It sounded like I was crying in church because everytime I bowed my head, I had the sniffles. My head feels like it is about to bust. I will be praying for Shea. I love your towel. Too cute! Love you and miss you, Linds

Kellie said...

Hey Jack! I didn't make that's vintage. Someday, though I'll master the art of the buttonhole! I hope your girlfriends will like those dolls. Make sure you keep at least one for yourself, though! :)

Feel better sista!

Anonymous said...

that towel is the cutest!!

I hope you feel better soon.