Saturday, March 8, 2008

A Saturday Update!

I love Saturday! Today is National Women's Day here in HAPPY WOMEN'S DAY! Today I'm sure we'll see lots of guys carrying around flowers. :) Today are plans are to be lazy, get some blogging & emailing done, and later go to an Easter concert at one of the cathedrals of our students is singing in the choir. :) Okay...a bit of randomness that I didn't get a chance to blog about! So, my favorite type of juice here is called "Red Oranges from Sicily" and it is YUMMY!! It's my mom's favorite too! We were at our giant indoor market the other day and what did we stumble upon...Red Oranges from Sicily! Yep...they're oranges! And they are just as yummy as the juice! I'm sure we could NEVER find these at home, so we're going to enjoy them while we're here! Here's a pic to prove it...
Okay, and so The Well...last night was our second week for The Well! YAY! We've been so excited with the turnout and our students' responses. Last night's video was called "Polluted" and it talked about how maybe the church or its people don't always give a good representation of the life that Jesus lived while he was here. It was pretty good. We had several new students this week who sat around and chatted with us after the video for at least an hour or so. It was great! We couldn't be more pleased! :) We are looking forward to the following weeks. We actually had a bit of a "scare" yesterday as we were setting up. We (me, Scott, Lauren, and Andy) were at the chuch from around 2:00 yesterday. Lauren and I decided to finally go get lunch/dinner about 4:00. So we went to pick up some "Nalesniki" (crepes) and walked back into the courtyard where our church is. Now our church is in the Triangle...which isn't exactly the best part of town, but we've never really felt unsafe there. Plus it was still light outside so it wasn't a big deal. Anyway, we were headed back into the courtyard and we noticed that 3 young (20's) guys were walking behind us. They were pretty rough looking, one's faced was all scratched up where he had probably been in a fight and they were all drinking. They were probably talking to us but we couldn't understand and when we noticed they were behind us we started walking a bit quicker. We didn't know this at the time, but luckily Wojtek was rounding the corner into the courtyard and noticed the guys following us so he quickened his pace too. When Lauren and I came around the side of the church where the door is they were right behind us and we were afraid they were going to follow us into the church. Luckily the guys hadn't locked the door back so we got right in and locked the door behind us. They started to knock on the door and whistle...we just left it locked and ignored it. Anyway, a few seconds later I heard it unlock and I thought somehow they had managed to unlock our door so I ran to it and locked it back before they could open it and I looked through the peephole and it was Wojtek. :) When I opened the door to let him in I noticed that there were more of them standing outside five or six. So, we ate our lunch while the guys were still outside the church. Wojtek decided to call our other pastor, Bogdan. Bogdan decided he would call the police because technically, drinking in public is illegal here. We just decided to pray for protection for us and for our students who would be coming that night. I was a bit concerned that they would be angry if they knew we called the police and that they might come back later that night angry AND drunk. The guys were no where in sight after we prayed and the police never showed up. :) Whew!
Looking back it doesn't seem like that big of a deal. They were just guys standing around drinking and absolutely nothing happened...but at the time, I just wasn't sure what kind of mindset they were in. You just can never tell who people will act when they've been drinking a lot. Anyway, the night was fine, students came, and we had a great time! Praise the Lord! :)
Here are a couple videos just so you can get a glimpse of how it looks on Friday nights. So, in the first video I'm basically saying: "Okay, so we're at The Well and it's the 2nd week. I'm in the balcony and I'm going to show you around." BUT, I had to whisper because the video was going and you can't really hear a thing I'm saying. In the second video I'm showing you the botton floor where the students are watching the video. :) They're not great quality, but at least you'll have an idea of what it looks like. :)

1 comment:

forfeittheworld said...

scary intense. I was hoping scott was going to jump out like the rambo and rock them like the guy on that funny kung fu movie. come to think of it, the courtyard in the triangle very much resembles the courtyard in the movie. and your ironically in a foreign place. although polish people are quite different than orientals. oh well. peace out.