Saturday, October 3, 2009

I SHOULD be reading...

but obviously I'm not. ;) I do have several things that I should be doing actually...reading three chapters in Nichols "The Lost Art of Listening," a chapter in Hill's "Helping Skills," a chapter in my Ethics book, and about 5 chapters in about three of my Cognitive Behavioral I have 5 research articles to critique, one to prepare a presentation for, a research proposal of my own to think up, an Ethics paper to start on, or a test in Research Design to study for....what shall I do? Blog. Listing those was mostly for my benefit so I could actually have down in front of me what all I need to accomplish. Yikes...maybe I shouldn't have, it's a bit scary to think about.

So, speaking of all things Clinical Psych related, school is going SO well! I have a FABULOUS cohort of about 29 others from literally all around the world who are each absolutely amazing, loving, brilliant people. We attend 5 classes together a week...Mondays: Ethics: Issues in Professional Practice followed by Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy. On Wednesday we start with Humanistic/Experiential Psychology (my favorite), followed by grad chapel-which is always a nice break, then our Foundations Class (where we learn to integrate Psychology & Christianity), followed by Clinical Research Design. We all each lunch in class together on Wednesdays because we don't have a break. We meet in triads each week (I have two AMAZING gals that I meet with) to practice our counseling techniques on each other...and then we have to videotape and critique each other once a week...good times. Our cohort hangs out together a lot...we go sailing, have "Ethnic Birthday Parties", surprise our professors, go to concerts together...I know I say this a lot (at least to myself) in the world did I end up here? I mean, I know. It was obviously the hand of God - only He could get me into such an institution as this...where great minds like Billy Graham and John Piper went to school, where one of my professors taught Rob Bell in his undergrad (a funny thing because you can SO tell how Dr. Rich Butman has rubbed off on Bell with his teaching), where other professors (Dr. Jerry Root specifically) studied and got to know the great C.S. Lewis...almost all of my professors have double lives as authors and practicing clinical psychologists. It's just unreal...I am like a sponge in each class that I go to (with the exception of Clinical Research Design - no offense to the wonderful Bob Gregory)...There is such a huge desire in me to soak up every word that falls from the lips of each of my professors. There's one class in particular where my cohort sits in a circle along with four of our professors (Terri Watson, Michael Mangis, Rich Butman, and Derek McNeil) and they just talk to us and we get to listen to these great minds bounce ideas off one another about their ideas of how Psychology can integrate with Christianity. I just can't believe I go to school here. This summer I will have the opportunity to take a week-long class in Bereavement with the fantastic Dr. Butman up at Honeyrock Camp in northern Wisconsin. In November we start applying for our internships...I'm hoping to get one at Cornerstone Christian Counseling in downtown Chicago. I'm a little terrified actually...the thought of being "turned loose" on innocent people seeking counseling and healing and having them trust in me, that I have the knowledge and competency to help them find a way to heal their hearts and minds...unnerving. Though I have learned SO VERY MUCH in so little time and I know that each week I'll become more skilled as a counselor...I feel SO INCOMPETENT right now. I'm told this is the "Conscious Incompetent" stage...where I've realized exactly how incompetent I am as a therapist. I've realized that all of these years I've been an absolutely terrible listener. Terrible. My goal is to get to the "Unconscious Competent" stage where my counseling skills will just come naturally, without thinking...but that is a LOOOONNNGGG way off my friends...that I'm sure of.

It is very exciting...knowing that only a couple of years from now I will be a competent Mental Health Professional/Counselor/Psychotherapist (which sounds like a scary word). I know that there's no way in...well you know...that I'd be here if it wasn't for Divine Intervention. The Lord never fails to provide or surprise! :) So, as I've been thinking of research proposals and whatnot...we're all being encouraged to start trying to decide what types of people groups we'd be interested in working with...what "therapeutic orientation" we'd like to focus on (Psychoanalysis, Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy, Psychodynamic, Group Therapy)...anyway, I've been thinking of a couple groups that I want to work with...I've always been interested in Marital Therapy. Good stuff there! :) That's a definite...pre-marital counseling/marriage counseling...all things marriage-related. :) Our professors actually encourage us to seek therapy of our Scott and I will hopefully be attending marriage counseling within the near future. Especially if we ever plan on counseling couples together - it's good to be able to know how the "other chair" feels rather than just the counseling seat. :) Working with college-age women - LOVE IT! This may be my favorite group to work with. I adore this age. :) So, a new people group I've been thinking of working with - thanks to my absolutely wonderful friend Tam for helping bring this to light - I'm thinking I'd like to work with missionaries. Especially for Reentry-Adjustment issues (or Reverse Culture Shock)...going to and from the mission field can take a lot of toll on a person mentally/spiritually/physically, I know it would have been beneficial for me and I'm actually going to a conference in November for this exact type of counseling - YAY! :) I mean, the hope is that when we're done here, we'll be competent to counsel a VERY WIDE range of name it...we can counsel you through it kinda thing...and I can very well see how all 30 of us will likely be very skilled in two years...which is exciting! I've NEVER felt like I was REALLY good at anything. I mean, I'm three years shy of 30 and I've not remotely had any kind of career or held a job longer than 2 this is so exciting for me. To KNOW that I'm finally going to be good...really good...TRAINED by amazing professionals good, at something...makes my heart flutter a little. To know that I'm going to have the ability to seriously impact the people that will walk through my door...but also the responsibility of that. Whew. That's a rush.

Well, time to read some more before I hit the sack. Love and miss you all! Please pray that the Lord will give us the wisdom that we need and the ability to comprehend all of these readings they keep throwing at us. I know personally, I've never felt much like the "academic type" so it's very scary and intimidating going to class with a bunch of brainiacs and deep philosophical thinkers...that's just not me. I'm working on it though. ;)

All that to say...I am so so very blessed and I'm so glad I'm here.

1 comment:

christine! said...

i just found you have a blog! for my counseling courses, i also had to read "the lost art of listening" AND "helping skills!" i still go back to helping skills... especially for that chart of the emotions. great stuff!