Monday, December 24, 2007

Frosty Wroclaw

Saturday, we went out shopping for each other's Christmas gifts. I left earlier than Scott that morning and when I went outside I immediately called Scott to tell him to bring the camera when he came out. It was BEAUTIFUL! The night before we were over at a friends' house and left around 10:30pm. It was very cold, but REALLY foggy that night. She began to tell us about a weather condition that Wroclaw experiences in the winter...freezing fog. As soon as she told us about it, I felt a very very cold mist hitting my face. I looked up toward a street light and there were tiny tiny ice crystals everywhere. It looked like the air was full of glitter! The next morning when I went out, there was absolutely no snow, but all of the trees were covered white with frost! It was beautiful! I'll let Scott's pictures speak for themselves.

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